How Much Do Medical Assistants Make in Orlando, FL?
Aug 24, 2023
Medical assistants depending on the state they practice in, will tend to vary in the salaries that are available to them. A medical assistant salary Orlando-based, for example, will differ from other states and often depend on what skills and experience levels the individual has.
It's important to understand the salary ranges available and how much you can expect when it comes to medical assistant salaries. That way, you're able to make an informed choice of which state might be best for you to practice in. Here's everything you'll need to know about the average salary in Orlando FL.

The salary range for medical assistants in Orlando, FL
According to Zip Recruiter, the average annual salary for a medical assistant in Florida is $33,545.
The salary range for medical assistants in Orlando, FL can vary depending on factors such as experience, education, and the type of healthcare facility.
However, on average, medical assistants in Orlando earn an annual salary between $30,000 and $38,000. This range can be influenced by additional certifications, specialized skills, and the demand for medical assistants in the area.
It is important to note that these figures are subject to change and it is always recommended to research current salary data and negotiate based on individual qualifications and market conditions.
Factors that affect medical assistant salary in Orlando, FL
What factors affect a medical assistant's average salary in Orlando FL? There are a number of factors that would impact a medical assistant salary Orlando-based.
Here are a few of those factors worth considering when opting for a position as a medical assistant in Orlando FL.
- Education and certifications
The level of education and certifications you have under your belt is certainly influential on how much a medical assistant make in Orlando. For example, a bachelor's degree or even a postgraduate degree could open you up to alternative jobs for medical assistants.
The certifications you could earn before applying for a medical assistant Orlando role will also influence how much you may earn.
- Experience
How many years of experience do you have in the industry? The average medical assistant salary Orlando is often dependent on how many years of experience you have. For example, a person with just a year's experience might earn $36,909 whereas someone with ten years plus could be earning up to $46,544.
- Skills and abilities
Medical assistant skills vary because the role covers both clinical and administrative tasks. The more skills you possess as a medical assistant, the better. Being able to be bilingual as mentioned above, is a great ability and skill to have to help boost the average medical assistant salary.
- Location
It's important to know the state with the highest salary for medical assistants, especially if you're particular about how much you're earning in your job.
There are also plenty of places medical assistants can work, which can influence how much you earn within this position.
- Industry
Most medical assistants will find themselves working in a hospital. However, there are other areas of the industry that may offer a higher medical assistant salary. From private clinics to private care homes, there are lots of options for a medical assistant to explore.