FHCA Helping People
October 30, 2016
How to Choose the Best Health Job for You
October 30, 2016
FHCA Helping People
October 30, 2016
How to Choose the Best Health Job for You
October 30, 2016

College Not Right for You? We Have an Answer!

College Not Right for You? We Have an Answer! Not everyone is cutout for college. Some people simply find no interest in continuing to go to school for years following their long educational career since they were 5 years old. You know what? That’s okay.

This is your life, and you have the right to make choices in your life that will benefit you the most.

However, as much as you know you don’t want to go to college, you know there are some opportunities in life you may miss without that piece of paper that says you put your time in at the University level. One of the opportunities may be working in the medical field.

Many people want to work with patients to help them feel better and be more comfortable while seeking healthcare, but they don’t want to go to school forever to gain the knowledge and skills. It can take more than 8 years if you want to be a nurse or doctor, and that just doesn’t fit many people’s life.

College Not Right for You? We Have an Answer! There’s an alternative to college that can help you – Florida Health Care Academy!

In as little as few short weeks, you could have the knowledge and skills to work in the health industry. You could work in a doctor’s office, hospital, or at a health clinic. You can even work with people in their home to ensure they remain healthy. Our programs are designed to help students prepare themselves, so it won’t be difficult to find employment in the medical field. With the quickly growing older population, there is going to be enormous need for healthcare professionals, which means you won’t have to fear being unemployed – as long as you have the degree needed to be a good candidate for those positions that are opening.

The time is now to start your road to a rewarding career. You don’t have to go to college. You don’t have to spend years studying for it. All you have to do is get through the next few weeks, and before you know it, you will have what it takes to work in the medical field.

Currently, we have the following programs available for students:
· Patient Care Technician
· Home Health Aide
· Phlebotomy
· Nursing Assistant
· Electrograph Aide

We have many other programs being developed right now. If there is something you’re interested in, but don’t feel these programs fall into the knowledge and skills you need for your desired career path, contact us. We likely have a program coming up that will meet your needs exactly.

All programs include academic and hand-on training. Upon completion, you will have the information and technical skills needed to show prospective healthcare employers you have what it takes to offer premium medical services to patients.

Contact us now for more information on how we can help you have a fulfilling career WITHOUT going to college. We are available Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and Saturday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Call us at 407-275-5880 or email us at info@fhcaorlando.com

Visit: https://fhcaorlando.com/

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