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Connection between cold temperatures and joint pain
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Immediate and intermediate newborn care

Learn about the care measures that a newborn has to undergo during the first minutes of his life, in accordance to procedures done by health professionals.

Immediate and intermediate care of the newborn is the set of activities, interventions and procedures aimed at children during the birth process and immediately after, with the purpose of reducing the risk of illness or death.

The newborn is subjected to a period of transition due to external changes when it leaves a thermostable, liquid environment that completely satisfies its vital needs and enters an atmosphere whose pressure is variable and which requires significant physiological modifications for its survival.

Therefore, in the initial care of the newborn, it must be guaranteed that the health personnel involved in the procedure have the necessary knowledge and equipment to create all the conditions for an optimal reception and thus to guarantee adequate care and evolution, which reduces their vulnerability during this transitional period.

The care of every newborn includes at least one special evaluation at four moments, the course of the first days of life:

  • Immediate care at birth (or immediate care)
  • During the transition period (first hours of life).
  • At 6 to 24 hours of age.
  • Prior to discharge in conjunction with the mother.

The objective is to support, lead or induce the process of adaptation to extrauterine life, through early detection, prevention and control of problems, in order to achieve a healthy newborn, thus reducing the multiple disabling sequelae in childhood and the high rates of neonatal morbidity and mortality.

Specific objectives include:

  • To implement the pertinent measures for the care of the newborn according to the norms of each institution and hospital zone.
  • Create a specialized medical team, committed and above all prepared with the special care that the newborn must receive.
  • Perform the correct evaluation of the physical and functional status according to the gestational age of the newborn.
  • Determine the health status of the newborn.
  • Decrease the risk of mortality and complications in the health status of the newborn.

Immediate measures for newborn care

  • Aspiration of secretions from mouth and nose.
  • Clamping, cutting and ligation of umbilical cord.
  • Prevention of temperature loss
  • APGAR score
  • Silverman assessment

Intermediate measures for newborn care

  • Newborn Identification
  • Prevention of hemorrhagic syndrome of the newborn.
  • Prevention of neonatal conjunctivitis.
  • Measurement and recording of vital signs in the newborn.
  • Newborn Somatometry
  • Gestational Age Assessment (CAPURRO)
  • Neurological assessment by modified Ballard method.
  • Birth Certificate expedition

If parents or guardians have any doubts or questions about these procedures, they should consult nurses and health professionals as soon as possible, in order to dispel any doubts and facilitate the care process.

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