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Importance of health education

In this article, we cover an important topic for us at FHCA Orlando: the importance of health education. The concept of health is so broad that we do not have it right, since it means moving from an individual to a collective conception, adopting a preventive rather than assistance attitude, and acting jointly with the rest of society; and for this we must be informed and trained, with education having a fundamental role in this regard.

Normally the information that is given on topics related to health is usually through campaigns at specific times or specific events. In the case of schools or educational centers some basic notions are given, especially in the first years, but afterward, it is a bit forgotten. A few years ago, the term Health Education emerged, an area that encompassed the intellectual, psychological, and social, to raise awareness in decision-making towards a change that affects their personal and family well-being, impacting this in the society.

But over time it has been observed that having Healthcare Education is not enough since most of the people receive information in a passive way, but the way to put what is heard is not encouraged enough. While it is necessary to train new generations, we must never forget the previous ones, because any time is good for a change.

The health personnel does not have exclusive competence over these issues, it is simply a mediator or transmitter of information, and that is when education comes into play, with its objectives and tools, in order to give the importance that this topic has. It is about creating a sense of responsibility for the individual, which will not be an easy task, and the best tool for this is perseverance. People of a certain age may have a series of habits that are already so acquired that it is difficult for us to change them, but it is not impossible, and people adapt to changes better than we think. It is proven that right now we live more years because of all the care we give our body. And it is true that our body and mind age, but it is about giving them an opportunity to stay active, so that this aging is slowed down, more gradual, and does not suppose a problem for the person.

And as always, education is the solution to all issues. FHCA Orlando offers the best healthcare training programs. Please, contact us for more information about our courses.

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