FHCA Orlando helps you get the right job
February 9, 2017
Are you out of work?
March 15, 2017
FHCA Orlando helps you get the right job
February 9, 2017
Are you out of work?
March 15, 2017

Fast paced and fulfilling CMA life

The life of a Clinical Medical Assistant is fast paced and fulfilling. This vital position often serves as a first contact between patients and medical staff, while also performing important roles pertaining to overall patient care. A Clinical Medical Assistant must be a “jack of all trades” as their job ranges from administrative duties to assistance with actual medical procedures. Luckily, the FHCA has a new course specifically designed to impart YOU with the knowledge and skills necessary to fill such an important role. Experience the Fast paced and fulfilling CMA life.

When a patient walks through the door of a hospital or medical center, oftentimes they are scared, irritated, or anxious. You, as a Clinical Medical Assistant will be the smiling reassuring face needed to get them started on their path to wellness. Your clinical duties will encompass the entirety of the pre-screening process, before a patient ever sees a doctor. It will be your responsibility to ensure the medical tools are disinfected prior to use and to prepare the examination room. Then, once the patient is placed in your charge, it will be up to you to record their height, weight, vitals, and provide an accurate recording of their medical history. This will allow the physician to properly administer care.

Fast paced and fulfilling CMA life

When we said that your role as a clinical medical assistant involved becoming a jack of all trades, we meant it. Your part to play involves learning the ins and outs of other fields, such a phlebotomy. You will be responsible for giving injections, drawing blood, and administering medications. CCMA’s also perform the functions of an electrocardiograph aide, assisting in EKG testing that will ensure a patient’s cardiac health.

Furthermore, CCMA’s provide invaluable assistance to physicians during medical examinations. Oftentimes, you will be the “extra set of hands” that are needed when performing delicate, potentially life saving procedures. Armed with the knowledge and skills garnered through this FHCA course, you will be a valued asset to any medical center, and the physicians you work with will be thankful for you.

This program provides a viable future for young up and comers in the medical industry, as well as a second chance at a career for established workers looking for a change in their lives. A career in the medical industry can be a emotionally rewarding experience, and will provide a solid career path for years to come.

The basic CCMA program comes with 180 hours of instruction time, which ranges from theoretical work to practical hands-on training. This provides our students with the best understanding and know how possible. Our thorough training ensures that the patients you will aid in treating will have the best care possible. Graduation from the FHCA’s CCMA program will fill you with a sense of confidence, knowing that you have been equipped with the tools for success.

Classes take place from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. To 1 p.m. All CCMA courses come complete with books, a notepad, pencils, uniforms, 4 hour HIV certification, and laboratory supplies. Financial payment plans are also available. More information can be found at fhcaorlando.com.

For more information on this or any class offered at the FHCA, call 407.275.5880.

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