3 key questions in job interviews for nurses
January 28, 2021
Functions of an occupational nurse in times of covid-19
March 30, 2021
3 key questions in job interviews for nurses
January 28, 2021
Functions of an occupational nurse in times of covid-19
March 30, 2021

Nurse Job Interview: Answers for Success

When we are looking for a job, we must prepare to stand out in the job interview from the rest of the applicants to the job call, even if we do not have experience.

For this reason, it is important to take it with perseverance and discipline, from the preparation of the CV, optimization in the search for job announcements, as well as the job interview. In fact, it is in this phase where it is essential to put yourself before the possible questions that they will ask.

Keys to Success in Nurse Job Interviews

Obviously, reaching this point is a breakthrough. Now it’s time to stand out, especially in your soft skills. In addition, you must show that you have “done your homework” by preparing the most typical responses. For example:

What is the hardest part about being a nurse?

We know that this is a seemingly obvious answer, but what we want to measure here is your level of empathy, as well as resistance to complex situations. Beyond listing a long list of advantages and disadvantages of being a nurse, cite examples that highlight the difficulties you have had and yes, you like it, you can complement it by indicating how you deal with the complexities of the profession.

Response example

I know that being a nurse has many positive and negative circumstances, but one of the most difficult parts of being a nurse is the stress that is generated in complicated situations, for example:

  • The death of a patient with whom we have created a bond.
  • Manage stress by family members.
  • Put our duty as nurses before our family life.
  • Have limited resources to care for some patients.

Describe a time when you had to deal with a difficult patient and how you handled the situation

These types of questions seek to know the way in which you respond to complicated situations, such as dealing with an annoying patient or one who is not willing to collaborate for an exam. Also, if you have had complicated experiences with the family of a patient, you should comment on it and show how you solved it.

Response example

When I have come across a difficult patient or family, the first thing I do is analyze the situation and be empathetic. Many of the reactions of patients and relatives are responses to fear that may arise due to the uncertainty of the state of health or the complications of treatment

The first thing I do is reassure the patient and family, I listen to them and show that I have control over the situation, since many conflicts can be resolved through assertive communication. After learning about their fears, I try to answer their concerns and find quick solutions to it.

In the event that the patient does not want to be out of control, I look for a doctor and a family member to help me calm him / her down. Quick and timely communication, as well as empathy, are essential in this process.

After this introduction, cite a couple of examples of circumstances in which you have encountered this situation. The intention is that they know your reactions as a health professional in stressful situations. If you have little experience, present a hypothetical situation and how you would solve it.

Soon we will publish more tips for you to achieve the job you want and achieve success!

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